Saturday, March 9, 2013

Why I love the Desert

School and work.  That's pretty much the theme of our life right now.  Marcus is working and taking 20 credits at school.  I am teaching high school which is my work, and going to school to finish up my license which is work too, only I don't get paid for it.  Since Marcus has classes during the day, and I have classes during the night it can be a little difficult to fit in recration.  It mostly comes in the form of a netflix movie or a round of mini golf at Trafalga. 

However, a few weekends ago we were lucky enough to get a reprieve from the monotony of our lives and escape to St. George.  Well, it was almost an excape.  I went for a CTE conference and Marcus was nice enough to accompany me.  While I sat in meetings he stayed at the hotel writing a paper for one of his classes.  An afternoon climbing around the red rocks, and a fantastic picnic high up on a plateau that only four wheel drive could get us to made for a fantastic vacation.