Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Better Blogging

I've always been pretty horrible about writing in my journal, but while Marcus and I were in Europe we wrote in our travel journal every day.  I guess there is something a little more romantic about sitting on a bench near the Eiffel Tower and writing about a day at Versailles or spending a train ride through Tuscany recording everything about your last day in Rome that ended with the best night at a small outdoor cafe across the river in Trestevere.

So I figured I'd start blogging again.  Just about stuff.  Like normal, daily stuff.  It might not be a weekend trip to Seville, and it might not be an account about how Marcus got hit by a car while binking the Dingle Penninsula in Ireland, but its what normal life is all about. 

Our normal life is less exciting.  Mainly this fall its been a standing Friday night date at the football field to watch Danny, homework {Marcus doing homework, me correcting homework}, and setting up our new appartment.  In, the mean time we've found a few minutes to get some fall pictures taken, go to a pumpkin patch in Santaquin, and send Marcus' younger brother off on a mission.

It might not have been quite like spending the day walking through Fussen, Germany, but its been a good fall and one short post doesnt quite do it justice.