Friday, August 12, 2011

Just Another Day in Paradise

The summer days have flown by.  This is expected when there are countless baseball games, soccer tournaments, 7 on 7's, bbq's, mini golf games, and all-around laziness and leisurely activity.  Oh and did I mention work?  Well at least thats a burden only one of us delt with this summer.  Our days have begun bright and early, hitting the snooze button a few times before dragging ourselves out of bed so that Marcus could be to work in Orem around 7:30.  Often times we arrive home long after dark.  We dont get to spend as much time in Alpine as we would like to, and with school starting in just 3 weeks, it doesnt seem likely that we will increase our time spent at home.  We love our house.  Everything from the long winding driveway through the big pine trees, hearing the river if we leave our front door open, daily deer sightings, and of course having Grandma and Grandpa just up the spiral stairs.  Yesterday we arrived home after Kate's first senior season soccer game, a tour of the Orem library, and a walk around The Riverwoods.  It was just turning into twilight as we finished making dinner (an absolutely fabulous Asain meal I created that rivals the famous Slanty Sauce) when Marcus suggested we dine alfresco.  After trying unsuccessfully to fit our kitchen table out the door (how did we ever get it inside?!) we hauled our coffee table (the one we picked up on the side of the road with the "Free'' sign taped to it) out onto the beautiful patch of grass outside our door, on the edge of the garden.  I brought out the food and Marcus lit the candles.  It was one of those perfect summertime moments that you wish would never end.     

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

We finally have a blog.  Our lives will hereafter and henceforth be documented electronically as it is well known that neither of us are very consistent journal writers.  We are having a fantastic summer and I will no doubt be blogging on past events.  Yesterday we taught FHE out at Grandma and Grandpas.  Our lesson was on what we couldnt live without.  We made a long list and then narrowed it down to one thing.  Unfortunately, Disneyland was kicked off the list.  However, it stayed around longer than waterslides, the internet, and even air.  Marcus taught the lesson while I assisted him by being the scribe.  His testimony at the end was all the more convincing because he had combed back his hair and bore an uncanny resemblance to Joseph Smith : ).  After the FHE and some ice cream sandwiches we headed back to Orem.  Marcus had been called upon to fill in for two softball games.  The softball complex was not swarming with mosquitoes as is usually the case, which made watching my husband all the more enjoyable.  He was (of course) amazing as usual.  Just another typical summer day at the newly established Draper house.